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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

Thanu’s Testimony: Becoming a True Believer

When people in India come to know Jesus, they are excited to tell others about the God who changed their lives. They want others to know about the freedom they…

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

Sesha Goes “All In” with Jesus

Sesha grew up poor, with one sister and one brother who she spent most of her time with. Her father worked as a garbage collector and her mother managed the…

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

An Outcast Teen Finds Unconditional Love

Adana was a joyful young child who loved school and earned excellent grades. Her parents, Rafaz and Maridah, had hopes of a bright future for Adana. But all that changed…

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

Taniska’s Parents Took Away Her Bible

Taniska’s family didn’t follow Jesus, but she loved attending the Year-Long Children’s Bible Club in her village. It was a place where she could play with other children, sing Bible-based…

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