God Frees Devna from Timidity

Devna is a young girl from a picturesque farming village in northeast India. Her parents work hard as cultivators, and with two older brothers, Devna is the baby of the family. Thankfully, though their village is very remote, there is a nearby government school that Devna and her brothers attend. Unlike most places in India, Devna’s village has many Christians. Devna’s parents are committed to raising their children to love God.
As Devna grew from a small child into a young girl, it became obvious to her parents that she had some health problems. Devna was weak and lacked energy, but there was no logical explanation for her issues.
Devna’s personality matched her small stature. She was incredibly shy and quiet. At school, Deva’s timidity caused her to fall behind, because she never spoke up when she needed help. Also because of her shyness, she very rarely interacted with her peers or made any friends.
Although Devna’s parents were worried by all of these problems, they had no idea how to help. They were both illiterate, so they could not help with Devna’s schoolwork. As hard as they tried, they could not seem to coax Devna out of her shell.
When Devna’s parents met Children’s Bible Club leader Thasni, it felt like an answer to prayer. Thasni got down on Devna’s level, interacting with her and refusing to let her shyness be a barrier to connection. Thasni invited Devna to join the Year-Long Children’s Bible Club, and her parents were filled with hope that Thasni and the Bible Club would help their daughter blossom.
Like many timid children, Devna was terrified to try something new. For days, she simply sat in the corner by herself watching the activities. She watched the other children learn how to play sports like soccer and kickball. She listened to the songs they sang but never joined in with the motions or her own singing. She heard Bible stories reminding her that Jesus loves her and made her for a purpose. Every step of the way, Thasni was there, gently engaging Devna however she could, showing her that she was safe and wanted.
The turning point for Devna was when she finally opened up to Thasni and allowed her to help with Devna’s studies. With Thasni’s help and guidance, Devna gradually caught up to her peers academically. This gave her a boost of confidence that completely changed her experience in the Bible Club. Devna began joining in the games, listening eagerly to the inspiring Bible stories, and singing happily with the other children.
Now, Devna is a joyful Bible Club member. You might never know that she had once been shy enough to sit in a corner alone. Her parents are thrilled by her transformation, and so happy to see her growing both spiritually and academically. They are all so grateful to Thasni and the Children’s Bible Club for Devna’s many improvements. Praise God for releasing Devna from the bonds of her timidity! Pray with us that Devna will continue to grow in confidence and in assurance of God’s love for her.