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Church Planter Training

Sachman is Freed from Panic Attacks

Sachman and his wife were from a lower caste, so he struggled to find work that would provide for his six children. As a result, Sachman couldn’t afford adequate housing…

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Sabita, Part 3: How to Respond to Hurt

Finally, at the age of 54, Sabita had discovered the peace of Christ. Her life would never be the same—and she was willing to suffer the consequences. In fact, Sabita…

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Church Planter Training

Anti-Christian Activist in Christian Hospital

Whenever Nabhan and his friends saw a Christian festival, they took it upon themselves to try to stop it. In one particular instance, Nabhan threatened the believers to end their…

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Church Planter Training

An Accident Draws Kadija to Jesus

Kadija and her husband had a good life. They raised four children who are all happily married and employed today. Everything was going well for the couple until Kadija slipped…

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