
Devastating Poverty

Jesus came so that we may have “life … to the full” (John 10:10). Yet in India, millions are living lives that are a far from full, barely scraping by while dealing with starvation, unhygienic living conditions, and no clear path forward.

Intricacies of Poverty

Illiteracy and poverty go hand in hand. If a woman doesn’t know how to sign her name, she can’t apply for a job or open a bank account. If she can’t count money, she’s constantly cheated in the market when she’s handed change, and she has no way to prove it.

130 million people in India live on less than £1 of income per day, which contributes to child malnutrition. According to The World Bank, nearly half of all India’s children—approximately 60 million—are underweight.

An estimated 65 million people in India live in slum communities. Makeshift homes are stacked on top of each other in tight spaces, built with tarps and tin roofs covering dirt floors, and sanitary conditions are practically impossible to come by.

How to
Get Involved

Is God tugging at your heart and calling you to be part of His work in India? We’d love to have you join us on this incredible mission! There are plenty of ways to get involved—take a look at three key options below and partner with us as God leads.

Pray for India

We strongly believe that prayer is the first work of missions. Your prayers mean the world to us, and we gladly provide resources to guide you in prayer for India.

Ways to Give

India’s Christians are eager to learn how to effectively share the Gospel. Your financial support equips and trains them to minister within their communities!

Engage your Church

By partnering with Mission India, your church can plant churches in India effectively and efficiently, impacting entire communities for generations to come.