
Stories & News

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Church Planter Training

Darman: Infertility Leads to Life Change

Dousik is a Church Planter who regularly shares his faith with his family, including his cousin, Darman. For a while, Darman ignored God’s Word and continued with the lifestyle he…

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Adult Literacy Classes

A Miracle Restores Sonisha’s Joy

Sonisha, Rahbar, and their two young children lived a simple yet happy life. Rahbar did carpentry work in a nearby factory, and Sonisha took care of the children and household.…

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Church Planter Training

Umaiza Trades Physical Pain for Eternal Joy

Umaiza is married to Ubaid and has two teenage daughters. For many years, the family followed the religious practices of their culture. Meanwhile, Umaiza managed the family’s home and tended…

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Church Planter Training

A Miserable Paralytic, Healed and Happy!

Valsala grew up in a poor family, worshipping the gods and goddesses of her culture. When she entered her teens, she married Gurish, who worked as a truck driver. The…

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