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Church Planter Training

Village Outraged by Midesh’s Faith in Christ

Pictured left to right, above: Kameela, Midesh, and their 17-year-old son. If an abusive alcoholic finally turned his life around, you’d expect everyone to be thrilled, wouldn’t you? Change like…

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

Taniska’s Parents Took Away Her Bible

Taniska’s family didn’t follow Jesus, but she loved attending the Year-Long Children’s Bible Club in her village. It was a place where she could play with other children, sing Bible-based…

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Adult Literacy Classes

Pavana Becomes an Educated Businesswoman

Pavana lives in a slum outside of a village. The women there face much discrimination and are told they belong at home doing housework. Most parents discourage their daughters from…

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Adult Literacy Classes

Desiha: From Ridiculing to Following Christ

Desiha was raised to worship the gods of her ancestors. But as a young woman, she noticed that more and more of her neighbors had started following Jesus in recent…

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