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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

God Transformed Tamsa’s Life and Family!

Tamsa’s parents didn’t care much about her schooling, which was no surprise since their culture and traditions placed very little value on educating girls. Her father was also an alcoholic…

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

Poroma Finds the Good Shepherd

Poroma grew up in a home where her father was the head monk in their local monastery. Read her testimony below to learn more about how she came to know Jesus and lead a Year-Long Children’s…

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

Subas: Life Change After a Miracle

Subas leads a Children’s Bible Club in his village. His journey to serving Jesus began when his mother was miraculously healed! We are thankful for young men like Subas who are so grateful for…

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

Maanav Experiences Healing and Growth

Maanav currently leads a Year-Long Children’s Bible Club and also works with his father to serve the youth at their church. We are so blessed by Maanav’s passion for helping children in this life-changing program! Here is Maanav’s…

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