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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

Answered Prayers Inspire a Child’s Faith

Aaish’s family of five struggled so hard financially that his father, Paanik, decided to leave the state to pursue a more lucrative career in painting. In a different city, Paanik…

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

A Household Changed Through a Bible Club

Magana felt terrible that she and her husband were too poor to send their children to school. Held back by their own illiteracy, the couple could hardly pay for food…

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Church Planter Training

Jafri: Jesus Lifts the Weight of Anxiety

Growing up, Jafri’s family did not know about Jesus. Instead, they worshipped many deities—specifically the gods of nature. His parents were illiterate and earned a meager living as farmers, making…

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Adult Literacy Classes

A Flicker of Hope Began to Grow

Sabeena lived simply, concerned only with getting enough food to feed her family—which was a challenge. She and her husband, Dabinder, worked long hours as farm laborers yet earned very…

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