Where to Go When Your Cup Runs Dry

There’s nothing like a good cup of coffee to wake you up. Add in some morning reading and a casual walk, and your day is off to a good start!
To be honest, it’s probably easy for many of us to make a list of things we love. Especially on gorgeous summer days when we get to squeeze every bit of goodness out of life!
But what do we do on the days when good things seem hard to find?
That’s a tough one.
King David can relate. He had many seasons where he felt lacking, and in Psalm 16:2 he writes, “I say to the Lord, ‘You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.’” We can echo the prayer of David in seasons of plenty and in seasons of lack by acknowledging that God is the source of every good thing we have. If we have “no good thing” apart from Him, that means we can credit Him with everything—even the little things, like coffee!
But here’s the deal: all of the good things we enjoy in life can’t compare to the abundance we have in Jesus.
David goes on in Psalm 16:5-6,
“Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup;
you make my lot secure.
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
surely I have a delightful inheritance.”
My portion… pleasant places… delightful inheritance… That sounds like an abundance!
We have all of that in Christ! Good things will come and go, so our reliance has to rest on a Good Father. King David reminds us in Psalm 16 that, as children of God, we have a secure inheritance. If our Father owns “the cattle on a thousand hills” (Psalm 50:10), then we also have access to everything He owns. Can you remember the best thing that has happened to you this year? Just think—your inheritance as a child of God is even better than that!
No matter what you’re facing today, your reality is a delightful inheritance. No matter what stresses make you feel insufficient, you have been given an abundance. No matter how fickle life feels, you have been given a firm foundation.
Now that is good news.
- Ask God to reveal where you are seeking goodness apart from His hand. How does the goodness of the world compare to the goodness of the Kingdom?
- Pray for the Father to show you His abundance. Where are the pleasant places He has called you to?
- End the day by starting a gratitude list. Start by listing the good things God has given you today, like that good cup of coffee you started the morning with. Then, list who He has been for you today. How has He been your portion and your cup?