Church Planter Training


India’s Christians are eager and ready to share the Good News of Jesus through the local church. By giving them a year of training, you launch these believers into a lifetime of ministry.

Life Apart from Christ

Millions of people in India don’t follow Jesus because they’ve simply never heard of Him. These “unreached” people aren’t just lost—they’ve never met a believer, held a Bible, or seen a Christian church. And without the light of Christ, they face life’s greatest challenges with little hope for the future.

When unreached people need hope or healing, they pray to idols, offer sacrifices, or meet with witch doctors. All of this costs money and leaves families even more frustrated when nothing seems to turn their situation around. They’re ready to hear about the God who can change everything!

What Does a Church Planter Do?

In-Class Instruction

Our year-long training is split into four segments, each starting with a month of learning in class. Topics include discipleship and sharing the Gospel.

Hands-On Fieldwork

After each month of class, Church Planters put lessons into practice for three months. They pray for people, share the Gospel, and launch Christian communities.

Creating Prayer Groups

Through Church Planters’ fieldwork, locals become curious about Jesus. Church Planters start prayer groups, welcoming people to be prayed over in Jesus’ name!

Plant Churches

As Church Planters form relationships and lead people to Christ, they plant churches where locals can gather for worship, fellowship, and learning from Scripture.

Forming Communities

Church Planters are trained to establish self-sustaining churches. After their training ends, these Christian communities continue to shine His light.

Health Training

Church Planters address physical needs in addition to spiritual needs. They provide health and hygiene training that improves communities’ overall wellbeing!

Give a Gift

A gift of £1,700 will provide the training and materials needed to equip a local believer in India for a lifetime of ministry. Through your support, a Church Planter will share the Gospel with families that have never heard of Jesus and establish churches for lasting impact!

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