Namyla Now Sings to the Glory of God

Namyla is a young teen who lives in a remote village near the India/Myanmar border. There are just a few hundred households in this underdeveloped area and only one school. Namyla and her brother are fortunate to attend the school as few are admitted, and most of the people in town don’t really value education.
Namyla’s father teaches language at her school while her mother works in the paddy fields and does some occasional weaving. Namyla’s family knew about Jesus; however, like most villagers, they were not very serious about their faith and rarely gathered to worship with others. No one spent time in prayer or reading the Bible, so Namyla didn’t have the opportunity to come to know who Jesus was and what He did for her.
As a young child, Namyla was well-behaved and did well in school. She was obedient until her early teens when she developed a negative attitude. Namyla became stubborn, and her principal began to complain about her unacceptable behavior in school. She did not listen to her parents or her teachers, and her academic performance suffered.
Namyla’s father was worried that unless something changed, she was headed in a bad direction. This is when he met the Year-Long Children’s Bible Club leader, Loysha. Namyla’s father spoke with Loysha and asked her to help Namyla with her studies as well as encourage her to be a good person. So, Namyla reluctantly began attending the Bible Club.
Initially, Namyla behaved rudely and continued her stubborn ways, which the other Bible Club members did not appreciate. However, Loysha was patient with Namyla and soon discovered that the young girl had a beautiful singing voice and loved learning new songs. Loysha made Namyla the song leader during worship time which inspired her to practice and develop her talent.
Loysha was able to motivate Namyla in her school studies, too. She encouraged all the children to be obedient, hardworking, to show respect, and to love one another as the children of God. Namyla learned the characteristics that God valued and grew in her knowledge of the Bible – things she was never taught at home. As biblical principles entered Namyla’s mind, the stubbornness and rude behavior exited.
Loysha used Namyla’s love of music and encouraged her to sing special songs to bless others in prayer groups and in worship. Being in front of people made Namyla conscious of her behavior and she became calm and courteous to others. Her parents were so very happy to see the change in their daughter and the improvement in her studies, too!
Of all the positive things Namyla experienced in Bible Club, singing was her brightest moment, and she wants to continue to improve her vocals so that she can become a Gospel singer for the glory of God. Please pray that Namyla will become a God-fearing woman. Pray, also, for opportunities where Namyla can use her talents to praise God.