
Stories & News

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

Jasneet: A Prodigal Son Finds God

As children grow into teenagers, they often begin to test the limits of their independence. That’s exactly what happened with Jasneet. Jasneet’s father traveled for work, which left his mother…

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Adult Literacy Classes

You’re Never Too Old to Change Your Life

Manjima faithfully followed her family’s gods, but underneath her religious devotion, she felt empty. Doubt crept in as she thought about her rituals and how useless they seemed, yet she…

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

His Power, Made Perfect in Weakness

Sohana dreamed of going out and playing with her friends, but it simply wasn’t an option. She was too weak. She was dealing with a painful disease, and since her…

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Church Planter Training

Madia Receives True Healing

Madia lived an ordinary yet happy life as a young wife and mother of three. She woke early each morning to perform rituals at the temples of her gods before…

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