Gifts in a Will: How Much to Keep

“Everything we have is a gift from God, 100 percent,” explains Jack.
You don’t have to have a boatload of money to give any of it away.
That philosophy drove Jack and Mary Ann as newlyweds to give what they could to their church and other ministries. “We had a will not too long after we were married,” he says, then adds with a chuckle, “which is pretty simple when you don’t have anything.”
Nearly 50 years later, Jack and Mary Ann have a charitable plan that will continue to honor God, provide for their families, and support their favorite ministries—well beyond their lifetimes.
“I don’t think it’s proper to decide how much we’re willing to give,” says Jack.
Instead, we’re looking at how much we need to keep of what God has given us.
Have you considered giving a gift to Mission India through your will? Here are some of the benefits to consider:
- Legacy. Extend the impact of your generosity well beyond your lifetime.
- Satisfaction. Experience the joy of putting your resources to work for Kingdom purposes.
- Availability. Retain access to your God-given resources for the remainder of your lifetime, or for as long as you need them.
- Flexibility. Change your mind at any time about how your charitable gifts are designated.
- Capacity. Potentially give the largest gift you’ll ever have the ability to give.