Lahu: Gospel Moves from Head to Heart

Today, Lahu is a Church Planter with a wonderful wife and family. However, growing up, Lahu was a Christian in name only. He didn’t really know Jesus personally or what would happen when he died. Praise God that Lahu’s life was changed at a school event where he found Jesus and received Him as his personal Lord and Savior! Here is Lahu’s testimony.
I was born into a Christian family, but we were very lax in practicing our faith. I attended Sunday school and proclaimed to be Christian, but I didn’t really know Jesus Christ and didn’t have a personal relationship with Him. I also didn’t consider the impact or consequences my actions and decisions would have after my death. My ignorance of the true love and kindness of God prevented me from being confident that Heaven would be my ultimate destiny.
In May of 1994, I had a life-changing moment when I attended a Christian event at my school. Through the message I heard, I gave my life to Jesus and received Him as my God and Savior. I was confident that Jesus was my Lord and the only way to salvation and redemption.
I believed that Jesus had washed away my sins through the shedding of His precious blood. Now I am white as snow in the eyes of the Father. I believe that God our Father loved me so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, into this world to save me! And, if I believe in Him there is assurance of eternal life.
Now that Christ is Lord of my life, I know there are no troubles, no challenges, no obstacles, and no trials or temptations that can stop me from spreading the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! I am witnessing for Him, and my hope is in the Lord.
The joy and happiness I have is from Christ and I want to share this with those who have never heard the Word of God. Through the Holy Spirit, who is my helper and comforter, I can do all things for Christ as I reach lost souls in the name of Jesus. Everything I do is for the glory, honor, exaltation, and praise of the Almighty God and to expand His Kingdom.
We are so thankful for Lahu’s passion to reach his community with the love of Jesus! Please pray for Lahu as he continues to proclaim Jesus as Lord and invites people to the worshipping group he leads. Pray that many would enter into a life-changing, personal relationship with Jesus through Lahu’s efforts.