Maanav Experiences Healing and Growth

Maanav currently leads a Year-Long Children’s Bible Club and also works with his father to serve the youth at their church. We are so blessed by Maanav’s passion for helping children in this life-changing program! Here is Maanav’s testimony…
Although my family wasn’t Christian for a good part of my life, my father was the first one to receive Jesus as his Savior. After he shared the Gospel with us, we all decided to receive Jesus and make Him Lord of our lives. Soon, many of our relatives also became Christian! Many are now raising their children to know and love God.
One day, I started having stomach pain and was taken to the hospital. The medicine I received didn’t help and I had no relief. The pain became unbearable, and I knew that Jesus was the only one who could heal me and save my life. I cried out to Him to help me. The Almighty God heard my cries and saved me from the severe pain.
The power of prayer had a big effect in my life and my pain is now gone. This experience drew me very close to God and made my faith stronger than ever. This was the biggest miracle in my life, and I thank God for giving me new life in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I give all glory to God.
Today, I am working alongside my father doing ministry work. I run our church’s Sunday school and am well-known for my love of working with children and the youth in my church.
We give thanks to God for Maanav’s selfless service at the Children’s Bible Club. Will you pray for Maanav and the other Bible Club leaders as they look to discover the individual needs of each child in their care? Please pray that God would continue to bring in children who have been neglected or forgotten in some way and need to hear the Good News of Jesus.