Parvini Becomes a Successful Farmer

Parvini never had the opportunity to go to school as a child. In her community, it was customary not to educate girls since, once they were adults, women could only leave home accompanied by a male, anyway.
As you can see, Parvini’s village was extremely conservative. The women were expected to cover their faces with veils. They were generally discriminated against and spent their days doing household chores.
Parvini married Fardin, a farmer, at the age of 20. He enjoyed many bountiful crops and grew a wide range of vegetables depending on the season. As the couple had a good income, they were able to provide a better life for their children, such as plenty of food and education. Life was good for many years.
Everything changed, however, when Fardin became an alcoholic. He began spending a lot of time with friends who were not a good influence on him. Parvini thought she could get her husband to change, but when she tried, he beat her and continued to drink, ruining their lives. Fardin stopped working in the fields, which created many financial problems on top of everything else.
Parvini didn’t know what to do about her husband’s addiction and lack of money. But she thought maybe she could cultivate the land herself and make a small profit. So, she took a small amount of money and went to the market to purchase seeds. She began planting seeds and farming the land with the help of a few other villagers.
Fardin wasn’t supportive of Parvini’s plan, but after a few months, she was able to reap her first harvest, which was good! She sold her produce in the market and negotiated the best prices she could. Parvini didn’t hide the money from her husband despite his irresponsible actions—she was proud of her hard work and wanted to show him.
When Fardin saw the money in Parvini’s hands, he felt ashamed because he hadn’t encouraged or supported her. He promised he would never drink again and started taking care of Parvini and the children. Fardin changed his life and stopped drinking! Things were finally moving in the right direction. Fardin and Parvini worked the land together and earned a good amount of money.
Their progress continued on the day a teacher from the local Adult Literacy Class encouraged the couple to join. Parvini had always dreamt of learning and immediately signed up. She began to attend regularly and loved all the class activities.
As she continues to attend the class, Parvini especially enjoys learning modern farming methods and many other practical things that are useful in her daily life. Parvini understands the importance of education and has lots of support from her fellow farmers.
She has learned about market values and how to sell her products at a good price through training offered in the Literacy Class, and with her new math skills, she is now confident in her ability to manage finances. Most importantly, through the class’s Bible-based curriculum, she has learned about Jesus!
Parvini and Fardin continue to learn more about Christ but have not yet surrendered their lives to Him. Parvini attends a local worshipping group and prays to God to bless and protect their family. She has come so far from the days she rarely left the house and is grateful to the Literacy Class for showing her how to read and write and better her life.
Please pray that Parvini and Fardin will receive Jesus as their Savior and that God would use them in mighty ways to further His Kingdom.