Shy Woman Expresses Faith Through Nursing

Tiana’s testimony below is such an encouragement for those who are shy and somewhat uncomfortable about sharing their faith in Jesus with others. She gave her shyness to the Lord and He is using her to change the lives of many!
Hello, my name is Tiana. I have known about Jesus all my life as I was blessed to grow up in a family that served the Lord.
As a child, I didn’t share God’s Word with others because I was quite shy. I always wanted to share my love for Jesus, but something kept holding me back. So, one day, when I was older, I prayed to God to show me the right way to serve Him.
Soon after praying this prayer, God opened the way for me and I started to work as a nurse serving His people and telling them about Jesus. After completing my nursing training, I joined a local hospital and began working there. Serving others in this way has given me great peace in my heart and mind.
I am now married to a doctor and have two children in school. My husband also received Jesus as his Lord and Saviour and we are serving God together.
In addition to my work at the hospital, God has opened more doors for me to lead a Year-Long Children’s Bible Club in my community. I thank Him for using me in His ministry and for the chance to serve my patients and children. Please pray for my family and me that God will continue to use us in His ministry, and for the children I am serving.
We are so grateful for Bible Club leaders like Tiana who step forward boldly when God calls them to serve and share the love of Jesus with children. We also give thanks for people like you who support people like Tiana.