Stubborn and Spoiled to Humble and Happy

At 10 years old, Kashida was the only daughter of illiterate farmers who raised her in a community that predominantly followed the religious practices of her culture. There were a handful of families who had heard about, and claimed to worship, Jesus – with Kashida’s family being one of them. However, Kashida’s illiterate parents couldn’t read the Bible and weren’t able to meet with other believers very often. They were never deeply rooted in their faith.
Without fellowship opportunities or an ability to learn more about the Gospel, Kashida’s parents were eventually drawn back to performing rituals and worshipping the spirits of their forefathers. All of this was very confusing for Kashida, who also worshipped spirits since she never understood or knew the one, true God.
Meanwhile, Kashida’s parents spoiled her, which made her very arrogant and stubborn. When she wanted something, she was tenacious until she got it. When Kashida’s parents tried to discipline her, she would not listen. Because of her difficult personality and poor behavior, Kashida didn’t have many friends.
Kashida’s parents worried about what to do with her until they were introduced to a 10-Day Children’s Bible Club in their village. Kashida decided to go! She learned many songs and dances, which she really enjoyed. Since Kashida had such a great time at the Bible Club, the leader, Taban, met with her parents and invited her to a Year-Long Children’s Bible Club that was starting soon after.
Kashida had one concern about attending Bible Club for a whole year: she knew she couldn’t act out the way she did at home. Kashida realized the Bible Club environment had certain expectations for good behavior.
But in time, Kashida began to let go of her demanding ways because they didn’t feel right in the Bible Club setting. Taban did a good job of distracting Kashida and involving her in the singing, dancing, games, and sports activities that she loved.
Kashida also learned many Bible verses and heard exciting stories about how lives were changed when people encountered Jesus. These were stories she had never heard before, and the more Kashida learned, the more the Gospel began to shape her character and change her life, too.
One of the greatest changes in Kashida was that she learned to be humble and polite toward the other children! Her parents and neighbors noticed a huge difference in her attitude and behavior.
At the Bible Club, Kashida found the one, true God and decided to worship Jesus instead of following the rituals of her community. Kashida began praying every day to Jesus, asking Him to help her become a better person. She was no longer a spoiled daughter but became an obedient child.
Today, Kashida attends Sunday school at a local worshipping group and has stopped performing animist rituals. Every day she prays to Jesus to seek His guidance and ask for His blessings on her family. Please pray that the Holy Spirit uses Kashida’s young faith in mighty ways, and that He will draw them to know Jesus and receive His salvation.