Thanu’s Testimony: Becoming a True Believer

When people in India come to know Jesus, they are excited to tell others about the God who changed their lives. They want others to know about the freedom they have experienced! Thanu, a Children’s Bible Club leader, shares what this has looked like in his own life.
When I am 12 years old, pastor comes to my village every weekend with some members. They bring some musical instruments and they will sing and play the instruments. Then he tells some words about God but I don’t care. Me and my friends just going there for some music and entertainment.
But one day pastor is speaking our Lord is great and He will do great miracles in our lives. That message given by pastor that day just interesting and I sit over there after completion of the prayer. Then I went to that prayer at every time he comes to our village and know that Jesus Christ is a powerful God and I started believing in Jesus and started trust on Him. It is the belief increasing day by day. Then I trusted Him totally and later my parents are also changed. They believed in Jesus Christ and I am very happy at that moment. I received Jesus Christ as my Savior.
God does so many miracles so many wonders in my life which are never forgettable. Then I decided that I won’t leave Jesus to my death and now me and my family changed and now I have to reach my friends. That is my goal.
As it’s going on, pastor came to me and said, “You should join in Mission India ministry and you should teach the children about Jesus.” Then I thought that it was nice to tell about Jesus to children then I started teaching children about God. I attended the Children’s Bible Club leader training program. I learned songs and lessons. I am so happy for this children ministry, I thank pastor and this ministry.
Today, the joy Thanu gained in Christ is overflowing to those around him as he shares his faith by leading a Children’s Bible Club!
Will you pray for Thanu and his ministry?