December 2022 India Intercessor

Dear Friends,
Take a moment to reflect on your testimony. Do you remember the joy and hope you felt when you came to understand Jesus’ love for you?
I was nine years old when my mom presented the Gospel to my brother and I. She invited us to make a decision about Jesus, and so we both prayed to receive Christ. It’s one of my favorite memories.
This Christmas season, I’m thinking of all the people in India who had that experience over the past year—especially the kids. They will soon celebrate the birth of Christ for the first time in their lives! What a joyful Christmas Day that will be!
During this season of celebration, I want to invite you to pray over a special opportunity: A new 10-Day Children’s Bible Club matching challenge, running from November 28 through December 31.
Normally, it costs $1 for a child in India to hear the Gospel through a 10-Day Bible Club (which is already pretty amazing). But during this matching challenge, generous friends of Mission India are matching gifts so that $1 reaches two children!
Gifts are being matched up to $540,000, opening doors for us to share the love of Christ with even more children across India! This is a huge opportunity, and I’d greatly appreciate your prayers over the impact we can have together.
- Pray that we are able to meet our matching challenge goal so that we can reach as many children as possible with the Good News next year.
- Pray that each child who hears the Gospel as a result of this matching challenge experiences life change that only Jesus can bring!
Thank you for your ongoing prayers for India, and have a merry Christmas!
Together, for India,
Todd VanEk
President & CEO