“God in His Grace is Protecting Me”

Saadhik is a Church Planter in Karnataka, a state in India that enacted anti-conversion laws in 2022. He’s bravely continuing his ministry—even though he knows in a very personal way what’s at risk. Check out Saadhik testimony to see the series of events that prompted him to become a Church Planter.
I am from a family that worshipped many gods and goddesses. We did a lot of idol worship.
When I was in school, a pastor came to preach the Gospel in our village. My father was very angry and provoked others. We went with others to beat the pastor. We were enemies of the Gospel.
When I grew up, I started going to Christian meetings to disturb them. During that time, my close friend received Christ as his Savior. Before he came to Christ, he was also very devoted to my family’s rituals. I was surprised why he changed. I began to notice his lifestyle.
He shared the Gospel with me and I listened to him because he was my best friend. As I was reading the Bible, God spoke to me through Genesis 1, Psalm 115, and John 1. By reading the Word of God, I understood that God created the universe and Jesus came down to earth to seek and save sinners like me.
When I understood that Lord Jesus is the true God, I realized that I was worshipping the false gods and lifeless idols. I confessed before Lord Jesus that I was the worst of sinners and I received Him as my Savior.
Then I wanted to reach people living in darkness. I have dedicated my life to serve God. Today God is using me in the same villages where my father followed his religion. Some people opposed me, beat me, and persecuted me. But God in His grace is protecting me and enabling me to serve Him.
Praise God for the incredible faith of Church Planter Saadhik. It’s an honor to work with Christians in India who risk everything to follow God’s call on their lives! Will you pray that the Lord uses Saadhik to reach others who persecute Christians, just like he used to do?