You’re one in a million! (Or something like that)

Ok, maybe not exactly one in a million. But if you’re passionate about connecting your local church to the global Church, you’re 1 in 4!
As it turns out, only 24% of U.S. Christians find this cause to be “very motivating,” according to The Great Disconnect report by Barna Group.
If you’re in that 24%, you know why it’s a big deal to bridge the gap between the local and global Church. Jesus calls His followers to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19), and when our local churches partner with the global Church, we can be even more effective in pursuing this command, called the Great Commission.
So, you’re saying my church can be a Difference Maker, too?
Exactly. But it starts with YOU!
A community of believers doesn’t choose to change the world overnight. It takes a passionate Difference Maker like you deciding that your local church, big or small, can help grow the Kingdom around the globe. If you believe this is possible, you can take the lead in connecting your church to the global Church, for the sake of bringing the Gospel into places where it’s never been heard!
Where do I start?
Meet with your small group leader, missions director, or pastor to share your heart for reaching people around the world with the love of Christ. Explain why this cause is important to you and invite them to join you in connecting with the global Church!
How can I help my church connect?
A great first step is to move your church toward regular prayer for the global Church. And the first week of November is the perfect time to start! Sunday, November 6 is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, and we’re coming together with Christians around the world to lift up persecuted believers, especially in India.
Invite your church (or even your small group) to walk through our 4-day devotional on persecution in India, releasing on November 3. Together, you and your church will become more familiar with the unique issues facing India’s Church, followed by real stories of opposition, along with prayer prompts. On the last day of the devotional, you’ll be one of the first to get access to our brand-new video, sharing the unbelievable story of two families in India who were brought together through the tragedies of persecution.
I’m ready to invite my church into this!
Awesome. We’ve got the resources to help you connect your church with the devotional! Download a printable card to hand out at services or small groups, get a slide to add to Sunday morning announcements, and share our promotional video to give your church a taste of what they’ll learn. Access all of the resources here!
Our hope is that this 4-day journey and push for prayer will help the global Church feel a bit more familiar. The more we know about our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world, the more effectively we can partner with them to expand the Kingdom.
Thank you for being a Difference Maker for the local and global Church!
- Pray that more U.S. Christians develop a passion for connecting with the global body of believers, so that the global Church can become more effective for the Kingdom.
- Pray for all who participate in the 4-day devotional leading up to the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. Ask God to open U.S. believers’ eyes to the hurting and broken, moving them into action.
- Meet with your small group leader, missions director, or pastor to share your heart for supporting the global Church.
- Get our Church Resource Kit to access resources your church can use leading up to the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (November 6).