Abhay: Troublemaker to Responsible Youth

Abhay lives with his parents and younger brother in a small village where very few have chosen to follow Jesus. However, Abhay’s family does serve the Lord.
His parents work long, hard days in the tea gardens to provide for the family. Given the extreme difficulty of their lives, they had always wanted better for their children and encouraged the boys to do well in school.
Abhay’s brother was an obedient son; however, Abhay was a troublemaker and lazy, choosing to run around with his friends instead of studying when he should. He didn’t listen to his parents or help with household chores. Abhay was a stubborn boy, and his parents worried about his future.
Fortunately, a local man named Behzad decided to start a new Year-Long Children’s Bible Club in the village. Knowing the risks of openly teaching the Gospel of Jesus, he communicated the many benefits parents could expect, such as homework assistance, sports activities, fun games, dancing, and more.
The idea of a fun, safe environment for children to enjoy after school drew many to enroll in the Bible Club. Eventually Abhay’s parents encouraged him to give it a try, even though his heart wasn’t in it. Abhay was very distracted and often difficult to deal with, but Behzad never gave up on him.
Over time, Behzad built a trusted friendship with Abhay, which brought about positive change as he joined in the Bible Club activities. Initially Abhay was a nuisance when the other children were trying to study, but as he became more comfortable with Behzad, he, too, started focusing on his studies.
Soon, Abhay started singing, playing sports, and praying with the others. Seeing the change in Abhay’s behavior, Behzad gave him more responsibilities and asked him to help guide the younger children in the Bible Club.
Being in Bible Club made Abhay realize just how far behind he was in school, and he decided to work hard to catch up with his classmates. He developed good study habits and became a new person!
Today, you would hardly recognize Abhay as the same boy. He now loves participating in the Bible Club and has grown greatly in his knowledge of the Scriptures. While he was reluctant to pray before, Abhay now prays regularly. But perhaps the most remarkable change in Abhay is the way he takes responsibility for his life.
Please pray that Abhay would become a good witness for Jesus as he continues to grow in his faith. Also, praise God for Behzad’s commitment to the children and for this passionate young man as he serves his Lord and Savior.