Jesus Brings Light into Religious Opposition

Jesus can bring light into spiritual darkness through even the smallest group of believers. He’s showing us how true this is in a region of northern India that’s dominated by anti-Christian extremists!
The religious opposition in this area makes it difficult to spread the Gospel, and families are caught up in dangerous habits that they’re passing down to the next generation.
One of the local children, Dahak, was just starting to pick up his dad’s behavior. His dad drank alcohol heavily and gambled away the little income he learned, which meant Dahak couldn’t pay his school fees. Meanwhile, Dahak was learning to worship idols, just like his parents did.
Over time, Dahak became aggressive and developed a terrible attitude, like his dad. None of his peers wanted to be around him anymore… except for Jesh, the only Christian in the group.
Jesh spoke with Dahak about the impact of his actions and invited Dahak to the Children’s Bible Club he was attending!
As it turned out, your support had equipped a man named Rushil to lead this Bible Club, even in this hard-to-reach place. When Dahak attended, Rushil was ready to help him! Together with the other children, Rushil prayed for Dahak’s family. He also told Dahak about Jesus, who could be his friend forever.
Dahak was moved by the Gospel and began asking questions. With Rushil’s daily guidance, Dahak’s attitude changed. He became a new creation in Christ!
Though his parents still don’t follow Jesus, they can see what a difference He made in Dahak’s life—and others see it, too. In a place where spiritual darkness continues, Dahak is one more light paving the way for widespread transformation!