Sahuri: No Longer Embarrassed

Sahuri is in her mid-40s and has three grown children. Her husband, Madvan, runs a grocery store with their eldest son. The second son works as a lawyer, and their daughter is finishing high school in the small town where they live.
Everyone in the family is well-educated except Sahuri. She had always wanted to learn but never had the opportunity. Her children tried to teach her, but she struggled, feeling inferior and ashamed to be uneducated. Her family is well-respected in the community, but Sahuri always felt like an embarrassment.
One day a teacher from an Adult Literacy Class met Sahuri and learned she was illiterate. Sahuri shared how her parents didn’t have the resources to educate her when she was a child. Sahuri’s mother had many health issues and so she needed to leave school to look after her mother and manage household chores. So, the teacher invited Sahuri to attend his evening classes to give her an opportunity to learn.
Sahuri received a lot of support and encouragement from her family when she decided to join the Literacy Class. She was a quick learner and really enjoyed her time in class. Sahuri always arrived on time and became an inspiration to the other students. She loved learning new things.
Before joining the Adult Literacy Class, Sahuri wasn’t very concerned with cleanliness or good hygiene. She learned a lot about keeping her family well in a special training offered through the Literacy Class. Now she understands the importance and takes the matter seriously.
Sahuri made many friends in the Literacy Class and began reading and writing within two months of joining! Sahuri continues to be a good motivator and encourager to others, especially when she meets illiterate women in her village. She immediately tells them about the Adult Literacy Class and how it can help them live a better life.
Sahuri continues to grow in many areas, and we believe we will see more changes in her life in the days to come. While Sahuri heard the Gospel and learned about Jesus in the Literacy Class, she has not yet received Him as her personal Savior. Please pray for Sahuri’s ongoing growth and that she will give her life to Jesus one day soon.