Siblings Changed through Love and Attention

Sahtosh comes from a very poor family that worships idols. The family is active in the many rituals and cultural activities of their village. Sahtosh has a younger sister, Uma, and the two attend a nearby public school. They are generally left unsupervised while their parents are away at work.
Sahtosh and Uma’s parents work long, hard days as daily laborers to provide for the family. They leave home early in the morning and return late at night with little time to spend with their children. As a result, Sahtosh and Uma were never taught good values, manners, or personal hygiene. For a long time, their studies also suffered because no one was available to help them.
But then, Sahtosh and Uma found out about a new Year-Long Children’s Bible Club starting in their village. Instead of passing their days roaming the streets with their friends, Bible Club leader Maarut told them how they could enjoy fun games, songs, and dances and receive help with their homework.
It all sounded good to Sahtosh, so he quickly enrolled with his sister. Soon, Sahtosh and Uma were regulars at the Bible Club where Maarut encouraged them and told them many Bible stories. Sahtosh and Uma learned values and morals from the Bible stories, and they developed good study habits and social skills, too!
Sahtosh and Uma began singing Christ-centered action songs at home, where they regularly studied and prayed together. Their behavior changed so dramatically that their parents soon took notice. They were very happy to see the joy and improvements in their children, but didn’t understand how they were learning these things, so they asked Sahtosh.
Sahtosh told his parents about the Children’s Bible Club and about the love and attention they received from Maarut, the leader. When Sahtosh’s parents learned that the children were being taught about Jesus, they were concerned they would leave their religion and went to speak with Maarut.
When Sahtosh’s parents met Maarut, they shared how happy they were about the changes in their children and thanked him for his guidance and help with their studies. But, they also expressed their concern about the religious aspects of the Bible Club, and the three talked for quite some time. During the conversation, Maarut was able to explain the Gospel to them and introduce them to Jesus! This lessened their fears and made them open to learning more.
After that meeting, Maarut visited the family often and brought them literature that explained more about who Jesus was. Sahtosh and Uma continue to attend the Bible Club, but the family has not chosen to have a personal relationship with Jesus… yet! The children are doing well in their studies and are learning more social and hygiene skills. Please pray for Sahtosh, Uma, and their parents as they continue to hear the Good News of the Gospel. Pray that they will receive Jesus as their Savior one day soon.