An Accident Draws Kadija to Jesus

Kadija and her husband had a good life. They raised four children who are all happily married and employed today. Everything was going well for the couple until Kadija slipped and fell on her back in the bathroom. This one event turned her world upside down.
Kadija suffered severe injuries to her spinal cord and hip. When she tried to get up, she couldn’t feel her legs. The pain was excruciating. Kadija’s husband took her to a small clinic nearby, where the staff did all they could for her, but her condition remained the same.
Later, Kadija’s husband took her to a better equipped hospital for treatment. The doctors there said she needed surgery but could not promise she would be any better afterward. During COVID-19 lockdowns, the family had drained their savings and hadn’t financially recovered. They could not afford a risky surgery but spent everything they had on medicines to manage Kadija’s pain.
As time passed, the situation took its toll on Kadija. She became more and more desperate for her former life and performed rituals to appease the snake god she worshipped. Days passed and there was no improvement. Kadija began to ponder death and the afterlife. She secretly wished she could end her life.
When news of Kadija’s tragic accident reached Church Planter Gunjita, she went to visit Kadija. Gunjita’s words were very comforting and encouraging to her. Gunjita told her to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and offered a prayer for her healing. The prayer touched Kadija’s heart and she, too, began asking Jesus to heal her.
Over the next few months, Gunjita visited regularly and the two continued to pray. Kadija learned more about Jesus, why He came to earth, the purpose of His death, and how He conquered death through the resurrection! She repented of her sins and received Jesus as her Savior. The more she focused her mind on Jesus, the more she witnessed God’s grace and blessings.
Kadija’s health then began to improve, and she grew stronger day by day. Through prayer, her extensive injuries were healed, and she started to feel normal again. Finally, for the first time since her accident, Kadija was able to stand and walk without difficulty! Much to the doctors’ surprise, her x-rays revealed she was fully healed without the need for surgery.
Kadija rejoices over her healing, but is even happier over her relationship with God. She realizes now that God used her accident to bring her to Him and considers it a blessing in disguise. After witnessing Kadija’s healing, her husband and sons have also stopped worshipping their gods and instead have given their lives to Jesus. Please pray the entire family stands firm in their faith and follows Jesus all their days.