Nabaneeta’s Signature Leads to a Job

For many years, Nabaneeta was married to a cobbler who traveled from town to town making sandals. As the couple aged, Nabaneeta’s husband could no longer work, which made it very difficult to buy enough food for them to survive. In a weakened state, Nabaneeta’s husband became very sick and eventually died of a high fever.
Now in her 60s, Nabaneeta has two married children—a son and daughter who no longer live with her and do not care for her. She is very poor and considered to be in one of the lowest castes in India. So, for a long time, Nabaneeta was under stress from not having enough food to eat. To make matters worse, she was unable to leave her home to look for work during COVID-19 lockdowns.
Fortunately, Nabaneeta later heard about an Adult Literacy Class that met on the next street over from hers. It wasn’t running during lockdowns, but the Literacy Class teacher provided Nabaneeta with a Relief Kit that included four weeks’ worth of food and hygiene supplies. Nabaneeta was grateful to have her immediate needs met!
When lockdowns lifted, Nabeeta was still in search of a long-term solution to her poverty. During this time, Nabaneeta learned of an opportunity to obtain work in her village for 100 days. But when she went to apply, the officer told her that must be able to sign her name to get a job. Nabaneeta didn’t know how to sign her name, and so she requested that she be given one month to learn how, and the officer agreed.
Nabaneeta immediately joined the Adult Literacy Class. Eventually, she could sign her name! With this critical skill, she was able to get the job she applied for and worked for 100 days. Nabaneeta continued to attend the Literacy Class and learned how to read and write! She also took advantage of special trainings offered through the class to learn about cleanliness and saving money.
Most importantly, Nabaneeta heard about the love of Jesus, and that no matter who abandons her on this earth, Jesus will never leave her. With this knowledge, Nabaneeta received Jesus as her Lord and Savior. She is so thankful for God’s saving grace and now participates regularly in a worshipping group. Please pray for Nabaneeta’s children to come to know Jesus as their Savior, too.