Saher is No Longer Aimless!

Saher lives with her parents and two younger brothers in a one-room hut, in a slum located in India’s state of Goa. Her parents have to travel long distances each day to find daily labor work, and they are usually gone for the entire day.
For a long time, Saher and her brothers attended the school in their village during the day but were completely unsupervised in the afternoons and evenings. Saher roamed the streets of their slum, playing with her brothers or her friends.
There were many basic skills Saher lacked because she had such little parental guidance in her life. When it came to hygiene, Saher had no idea about bathing regularly, wearing clean clothes, or taking care of her hair or teeth. She spoke to others using nasty words, with no regard for being respectful or kind. Saher was generally unpleasant to be around, and her brothers followed her influence in almost every way.
But then, all three children attended a 10-Day Children’s Bible Club led by a woman named Peya. They gathered daily with other children from their village and enjoyed playing games and singing songs. Saher and her brothers had so much fun that they accepted Peya’s invitation to join a Year-Long Children’s Bible Club when it launched later on. Each day after school, instead of roaming the streets aimlessly, they played games with friends, learned action songs about Jesus, and received help with their homework.
Saher began to thrive under the positive attention Peya showed her. Peya taught Saher about taking care of her personal hygiene, and a special health training further equipped her in developing healthy habits. Saher noticed that Peya spoke to others with respect and kindness, and Saher began copying her social behaviors. Even more, Saher was empowered by the study skills she learned at the Bible Club and was finally motivated to work toward getting a good education. She soon began getting much better grades in school!
As Saher changed, so did her brothers. They followed her positive influence, using good manners, speaking respectfully to their parents, and improving in their studies at school. All three of them have received Jesus as their Savior and continue to grow in their knowledge of Him! Their parents have been amazed at all the positive changes in their children. Pray that their parents will understand that it is Jesus who has changed their children, ultimately leading the entire family to receive salvation.