Ikman Finds Love and Acceptance from Jesus

Ikman was a mischievous young boy who loved playing pranks. He was often disrespectful toward others, including his parents and teachers, and created constant conflict at school. Rather than doing his homework, Ikman spent his time playing games on his phone and watching television, with no aspirations for his future. Ikman’s behavior worsened to the point that he even began to steal.
For Ikman’s parents, it seemed there was never a day that someone wasn’t knocking at the door complaining about him. They tried taking him to counseling and disciplining him, but Ikman was never sorry for his behavior and refused to change. His parents didn’t understand how they had failed so miserably.
Thinking back, Ikman’s parents remembered a time when he was a cheerful boy who respected them and obeyed their words. It wasn’t until after Ikman’s sister was born that things began to change. He became indifferent and insensitive, and his parents feared what he might do to their daughter. They didn’t realize Ikman was trying desperately to get their attention and affection.
As the situation continued, Ikman’s parents became heartbroken and desperate. They considered sending Ikman away to a private boarding school since they could not handle him, but they faced a financial crisis because of COVID-19, and their savings were gone.
Finally, the family learned about a Year-Long Children’s Bible Club in their neighborhood and quickly signed Ikman up. It wasn’t long before things took a turn for the better! In just a few weeks, Ikman began to change. He started enjoying the Bible Club activities like learning Christ-centered action songs, playing outdoor games, and hearing stories from the Bible.
Ikman responded well to the Bible Club leader’s mentoring and even had his sister join and sit beside him. Ikman learned he was special to God, which changed his entire perspective! He had fought hard to live life on his own terms, but he developed a desire to obey God and treat his parents with respect.
Ikman’s parents couldn’t believe the change in him as they watched him become a caring, kindhearted person. Each evening, Ikman shared a Bible story with his mother. Over time, she was touched by what she heard and wanted to know more about Jesus. Ikman’s mom now attends a local worshipping group to hear the Word of God!
Praise God for the progress in this child’s life. Pray for Ikman’s future, and that his family will all receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior.