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June 2022 India Intercessor

Dear Friends,

When I was a kid, my mom and dad were really big on having my brother and I memorize Scripture. They paid us 10 cents for every verse we memorized, and my dad had me start with Psalm 1. The 60 cents he paid me to memorize those six verses was probably the best investment he ever made.

Psalm 1 really sank into my heart and has stuck with me my entire life. What I love most is the image of a tree: “That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season” (Psalm 1:3). When a healthy, mature tree has roots that grow deep, it benefits everyone, from offering fresh air to shade. To become like a strong, giving tree, we need to have our roots grow deep in who God is.

When I remember my dad, I think of the tree in Psalm 1. My dad’s life was rooted in a relationship with Jesus, nurtured by the Word of God. I know that you, too, are rooted in faith—it’s evident as we see your prayers “yield fruit,” resulting in changed lives in India!

Our ministry partners are yielding fruit, too. They’re not just telling people about Jesus and leaving; they’re discipling people so that they may become deeply rooted. And just as a tree reproduces, these new disciples in India are multiplying their faith in others.

Thank you for being a part of the growth we’re seeing in God’s Kingdom. Here’s how you can continue to pray:

  • Thank God for the people in your own life who have poured into you spiritually.
  • Thank God for all the spiritual fruit that is being produced in India.
  • Pray for the countless leaders who are dispelling future leaders.

Together, for India,

Todd VanEk
President & CEO

Click here to download Intercessor prayers for June 2022.