Sadiva Finds Hope and Meaning in Jesus

Like so many in his country, Sadiva grew up placing his faith in many gods and goddesses. He was taught to follow rituals and to worship his deities faithfully if he wanted to succeed in life. Sadiva followed his father’s instructions and participated in many religious ceremonies, believing these acts would surely bring him success.
Now in his late twenties, Sadiva is married with one son. His wife manages the home while he works as a daily laborer. Since Sadiva dropped out of school as a child, he makes little money and the family struggles financially.
Recently, Sadiva began to notice that no matter how hard he worshipped his gods, how often he visited the temples, or how closely he followed rituals, there was no improvement in his life. He did not feel blessed or successful and wondered why there was no peace in his life. This frustrated him.
Sadiva started thinking about where he’d gone wrong or what he had missed as life seemed hopeless for him. Everything his father had told him about their gods and goddesses appeared to be nothing more than stories.
One day, Sadiva met Church Planter Sahlad, and they quickly struck up a conversation. Sadiva opened up about his frustrations, and Sahlad could see Sadiva was searching for hope and meaning in his life.
Sadiva and Sahlad became friends and continued to meet. This gave Sahlad the opportunity to share the Good News of the Gospel and how Jesus was the living God who brings hope. Sahlad’s words and prayers comforted Sadiva, and he was very receptive to what he was hearing.
Soon, Sadiva began to attend a prayer group, as hearing the Gospel gave him peace. His financial burdens continued, but he now had hope that things could change in his difficult life. He was able to sleep peacefully at night and joined a local worshipping group.
As Sadiva’s knowledge about the Bible grew, so did his relationship with Jesus. He no longer worships his former gods and has received Jesus as his loving Savior. Please pray that Sadiva’s wife and family will also come to know Jesus as their Savior.