May 2022 India Intercessor

Dear Friends,
Last month in the India Intercessor, I invited you to join me in praying over a special initiative: The release of a new report we developed in partnership with Barna Group. As I mentioned, this report—called The Great Disconnect—shows that U.S. churchgoers are surprisingly apathetic toward the Great Commission.
With this discovery in mind, Barna conducted further research to learn about other disconnects around missions. One of the areas they studied was the average believer’s commitment to prayer around the Great Commission.
When Barna asked U.S. Christians to choose the top three ways they think unreached people should be reached by the Gospel, only 25% selected the option of prayer. I’m deeply saddened to know that only 1 in 4 Christians sees praying for the unreached as being worthwhile! This statistic makes me all the more grateful for your commitment to praying for India. Your willingness to pray for the unreached is rare and greatly appreciated!
My hope is that, together, you and I can approach this data with grace and think about how we can personally assure other believers that there’s power in praying for the unreached. How can we encourage our brothers and sisters and remind them that prayer is worth their time?
This month, in addition to praying for India, will you pray that U.S. Christians would come to realize the power of prayer and commit to praying over India’s unreached?
Thank you, again, for your ongoing prayer support.
Together, for India,
Todd VanEk
President & CEO