November 2022 India Intercessor

Dear Friends,
This Thanksgiving season, I could not be more grateful for your prayers for India. You are embracing our belief at Mission India that prayer is the first work of missions!
One of the reasons your prayers mean so much? The fact that you are trusting God to work in the lives of people you may never meet on this side of eternity. What a beautiful thing to have faith that your prayers are at work in meaningful ways for the advancement of God’s Kingdom in India.
There’s a true connection between you and the believers in India who are serving the Lord. And this month, I want to offer you a special opportunity to reach out to them personally! In the spirit of thanksgiving, you’re invited to visit our encouragement wall here, where you can write a prayer or a note of encouragement that we will deliver to our ministry partners in India.
Our brothers and sisters in India are constantly strengthened by your prayers, and I know how grateful they will be to hear from you personally, too. Will you send them a word of encouragement today?
On behalf of the Mission India staff and our ministry partners in India, I wish you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving! God bless you in this season, and may you know how grateful we are for your support.
Together, for India,
Todd VanEk
President & CEO