The Power of Prayer in a Literacy Class

Many years ago, an otherwise average day at work became life-altering for Maha.
She was out laboring on a farm when a coconut fell on her neck, causing horrible pain. Sadly, the effects of the injury dragged on for years. By the time she was 63, Maha was not only in pain; her neck was completely immobile. This limited her activities, so she often found herself sitting home alone.
If it wasn’t for people like you, Maha might still be cooped up at home. But you provided a light at the end of the tunnel, sending an Adult Literacy Class to Maha’s village! Maha decided she needed to get out of the house and signed up for the class.
Within a few days of attending, Maha told her teacher about the neck problems she was experiencing. The teacher gladly offered to pray for healing… and after years of agony, Maha felt a sense of relief within two hours of her teacher’s prayer! When the Gospel was clearly Proclaimed to her later in the class, Maha immediately received Jesus as her personal Savior.
Maha had already been transformed spiritually and physically, but there was even more to come. She learned how to read, write, and do basic math in the Adult Literacy Class, and through a special training, she learned how to improve her health and hygiene, too. She started to bathe regularly and keep her home clean, which she’d never understood the value of before. Plus, she received seeds to plant a garden and started growing vegetables at home for her family.
While improving her health and sharpening her new skills, Maha deepened her relationship with Jesus, who healed her from years of pain. She couldn’t help but tell others what He had done in her life!
We’re so grateful that you Proclaimed the Gospel to Maha and provided her with a new sense of purpose. Now, she needs your support once again: Maha is facing opposition from her husband and son-in-law. Will you pray for Maha to remain strong in her faith and for her whole family to be transformed by the love of Christ?
Thank you for being a part of Maha’s incredible testimony!