Change Influences Gahana’s Entire Family

Gahana grew up in a family that practiced the traditional religion of their culture. Like many in their community, Gahana’s father and mother are both daily laborers who work hard to provide for Gahana, her two sisters, and brother.
Thankfully, Gahana’s parents are able to send her to a public high school in their village. However, for many years, she struggled in school and found learning to be difficult. Because of this, she regularly skipped school and neglected her studies. Gahana much preferred playing games and spending time with her friends.
One day, Gahana met the leader of a Year-Long Children’s Bible Club running near her home. When she heard about the fun games, activities, and sports the children enjoyed there, she was excited to join. Initially, Gahana wasn’t interested in hearing the Bible stories the leader shared, but eventually, she grew to find them interesting, and she became more attentive to the Bible Club leader.
As Gahana learned more about Jesus, she started believing in Him. This gave her a new outlook on life, which brought about positive changes in Gahana’s life. She became motivated to focus on her studies, and with the help of the Bible Club leader, she completed all her homework! Gahana also began attending school every day, which was soon reflected in her grades.
As Gahana developed academically, her spiritual growth continued, too. She learned to pray in the Children’s Bible Club, which changed her attitude. Her experience was so positive that Gahana brought her brother and sisters with her to the Bible Club and couldn’t wait to tell her parents what she had learned.
The many changes in Gahana were contagious! Now the entire family is attending a local worshipping group together where they pray and praise God! However, they have not yet fully surrendered their lives to Jesus. While we give thanks for the positive steps this family has made, please pray they will receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior soon.