Bible Club Leader Rabail’s Testimony

We praise God for the faithful believers in India who He has called into ministry! Some of these believers, like Rabail, have only been Christians for a couple of years, but they’re so passionate about their new faith that they’re eager to share it. Take a look at Rabail’s testimony below to discover this Indian believer’s journey to becoming a Year-Long Bible Club leader!
Praise the Lord. My name is Rabail and I have parents and one sister. I have been living for Christ for two years and all my family is in Christ. We are so delighted in Christ.
In my life before Christ, I was worshipping many gods and goddesses, and I was going to the temples. During that time, there was no peace in my life. In my family, there was a lot of sadness. I did not know about Jesus Christ. Before coming into the faith, I was also sick. I was not eating properly, and my health was so weak.
Then, one of our relatives told my family about Jesus Christ. When we received Jesus as our Savior, our lives changed.
Now, my father is also going to the church and tithing. My family is so happy, and this I am sharing with many people: that Jesus Christ can change the entire situation.
I want to do something for the Lord. For that, I am so excited, to do ministry among children. So please pray for that. Thanks.
Thank you for equipping Rabail for ministry through your gifts and prayers! Today, she is 34 years old and leading a Year-Long Children’s Bible Club in Haryana, a state in north India. We invite you to continue praying for her as she shares the Gospel with young boys and girls!