Children are the Leaders of Today!

Your gifts equip India’s believers to build up Christian communities that have a lasting impact! Our ministry partners recently saw this take place through a Year-Long Children’s Bible Club. It was led by a young woman named Shabina.
This Bible Club became a safe community for boys and girls around town who lived in poverty. Many of them had little support around their education, including eight-year-old Krushan. His illiterate parents worked as day laborers to feed the family, and though they were poor, they were rich in Christ. Krushan’s parents taught him to follow Christ faithfully!
So, when Krushan joined Shabina’s Year-Long Bible Club, he quickly became a leader among the children. Shabina helped him form better study habits, and in turn, he helped her lead the other children in singing. Krushan even played along on his guitar and helped the children who struggled with singing!
The Bible Club was a huge success, and Krushan was excitedly growing in his faith. But then, a COVID-19 lockdown brought everything to a halt. Curfews were put in place, and the Bible Club had to stop meeting.
For the first few weeks of this lockdown, Krushan and his older sister were stuck at home, wondering how to pass the time.
And then, they had an idea.
While they couldn’t gather in large groups, it was safe to meet with just a couple of people. Even though his time in the Bible Club was cut short, Krushan had learned enough that he knew he could lead something similar. What if he started his own miniature Bible Club in the safety of his home?
Before long, Krushan and his sister had a few neighbor children (including non-believers!) coming to their home each evening. Together, they prayed over frontline workers and children who had lost parents to the virus. Then, Krushan brought out his guitar and led the small group in singing. The gathering was a hit!
After a few months, COVID-19 restrictions lifted and it became safe to gather in larger group settings again. Shabina got the Bible Club back up and running! Krushan applied himself to studying harder than ever, and he continued to help Shabina however he could.
Krushan’s parents are thrilled with how their young son has grown and developed! By reaching out to children like him, your prayers and support are building up the next generation. Children like Krushan are not just the leaders of tomorrow—they’re leaders today, already building up Christian communities that can point people to Jesus for years to come!