Darman: Infertility Leads to Life Change

Dousik is a Church Planter who regularly shares his faith with his family, including his cousin, Darman. For a while, Darman ignored God’s Word and continued with the lifestyle he enjoyed: drinking alcohol heavily and worshipping his gods and goddesses.
Then Darman’s parents arranged for him to marry his loving wife, Jaan. The couple was very happy at first; however, after four years they had yet to conceive a child. Darman began pleading with his gods to bless them with children, but the doctors said Jaan had health issues preventing her from getting pregnant.
Darman’s coworkers frequently asked when they were going to have children, which made him feel even worse. Darman offered everything he could think of to appease his gods, but nothing changed. Then, one day, Dousik came to visit and prayed with Darman for God to bless Jaan with a child. Dousik’s prayers were answered, and Jaan gave birth to a daughter! Soon, Jaan was pregnant again and the family was blessed with a second baby, and then a third. Darman had prayed for one child and received three!
Darman thanked God for this miraculous gift, but it wasn’t long before he forgot the God who answered his prayers and returned to his former life. Darman attended a local worshipping group with his family on occasion, but had never fully surrendered his life to Jesus.
Later down the road, Darman noticed something was wrong with his nose and went to consult with doctors. He was told he had a tumor that required surgery, but Darman had no money to pay for it and felt dejected.
To make matters worse, Darman had an accident at the market and fractured his legs. He began wondering why all these bad things were happening to him. As he lay in bed, Dousik came to visit and reminded Darman about Jesus and the Good News of the Gospel. Dousik told Darman how Jesus died for the sins of all mankind and conquered death when He rose from the grave.
Darman then recalled how he had been blessed by God before and was convicted of his sins. He decided there and then to serve Jesus as his Lord and Savior—not just to meet his needs, but to be in relationship with the one true God.
Darman’s life is forever changed as he experiences God’s peace and lives as a child of God. He faithfully attends the local worshipping group with joy and a thankful heart. Please join Darman in praying for Jaan and the rest of his family, that they will also know the saving grace of Jesus.