Answered Prayers Inspire a Child’s Faith

Aaish’s family of five struggled so hard financially that his father, Paanik, decided to leave the state to pursue a more lucrative career in painting. In a different city, Paanik had more earning potential and could then send his wages home to the family.
This plan worked well for a few months, but the money Paanik sent home eventually became less and less.
Aaish’s mother, Jalpa, was concerned by this, so she packed up the children and went to see what Paanik was up to. What she found was devastating—her husband had developed an addiction to alcohol and was wasting all their money at bars. With no other option, the whole family moved to a slum in Punjab because it’s all they could afford.
Tragically, life kept going downhill. Paanik broke his leg in a motorcycle accident and couldn’t work for months. Then, Jalpa got pregnant with a fourth daughter, and Paanik was so angry it wasn’t a son that he coped by drinking even more alcohol. For 13-year-old Aaish, home life was miserable.
But around this time, Aaish was invited to a Children’s Bible Club. There, he met Bible Club leader Aadvik and was introduced to a new way of living. As Aaish started memorizing Scripture verses, learning Christ-centered action songs, and playing games, he met a God who cared about his struggles.
As they developed a trusting relationship, Aaish opened up to Aadvik about his home life. He was saddened over the conflict in his home, but Aadvik encouraged him to trust the Lord.
Aadvik prayed for the Lord to work a miracle in Aaish’s life, and He did! Paanik recovered quickly from his accident and was able to return to work. Aaish saw how God answered this prayer, and it strengthened his faith even more.
Aaish’s parents saw the change in him but were unhappy that he was following Jesus. Yet Aaish was committed to his new faith and received Christ as his Savior! Aaish now says,
I got an answer to my troubles after joining the Bible Club. I came to know the power of prayer and only Jesus Christ can give us happiness.
He has seen what God can do and now prays for the salvation of his entire family!