Young Girl’s Faith Challenged by Neighbors

Sujani and her family live in a small village where locals are considered “untouchables,” meaning they are lower than the lowest in India’s caste system. Sujani’s parents were suppressed by upper-caste landlords because of their status, and often, they were underpaid and taken advantage of. Since Sujani’s parents were illiterate, they had no way to prove they were being cheated.
On top of caste issues, Sujani’s family struggled because her dad, Jaboah, was affected by evil spirits. This caused him to be so sick that he often had to stay home from work. The problem continued for more than two years, no matter how many medical doctors, witch doctors, or priests he visited. Every attempt to find a cure resulted in disappointment.
Sujani’s mom, Saarah, had her hands full. It was tough to shoulder all of the family responsibilities, especially since she struggled physically, too, with a neck tumor. She couldn’t work regularly, so she faced pay cuts while already struggling through poverty.
The family practically had to start begging to make ends meet. Neighbors sometimes pitied them and provided them with food, but there wasn’t much to go around. The family was in a long, dark season that seemed to have no end in sight.
Then, 12-year-old Sujani learned about a Year-Long Children’s Bible Club in the neighborhood. She excitedly signed up and quickly enjoyed playing games with her friends and singing Christ-centered action songs.
Sujani was intrigued when her Bible Club leader, Kaaya, shared about Jesus. She had never heard the Gospel before, and she was deeply moved to learn about Jesus’ compassion and power to heal. When Kaaya explained that Jesus listens to our prayers, Sujani excitedly went home and prayed for her dad.
Fully convinced that Jesus would heal him one day, Sujani told her parents all about Christ. Jaboah and Saarah ignored her at first, insisting she was just a young girl who didn’t know what she was talking about. But Sujani wouldn’t give up.
Eventually, Sujani’s conversations about salvation in Christ reached the neighbors. They began to challenge her claims and laugh at her, thinking it was absolutely ridiculous to hope that Jaboah could receive a miracle after two years of trouble. “If Jesus performs miracles, then we should be witnesses to it,” the neighbors told Sujani. They told her they’d like to meet Kaaya and see her heal Jaboah.
Although Sujaji was disappointed that no one would take her seriously, she remained strong in her faith. And finally, her parents reconsidered what she had to say. Together with their neighbors, Jaboah and Saarah met with Kaaya, who reiterated everything Sujani had been sharing about Jesus. Kaaya prayed over them, and on that day, many hearts were softened toward Jesus!
Saarah felt a new sense of peace after the meeting, and she noticed her body pain subsiding. She was gradually healed from her neck tumor! Convinced that Jaboah would benefit from continued prayer, Saarah invited Kaaya to pray for Jaboah again. When she did, Jesus miraculously healed him—the evil spirits fled!
The entire family came to the saving knowledge of Christ after witnessing this answer to prayer. It all started with Sujani’s determined proclamation of the Good News! Since Jaboah and Saarah are illiterate, they often ask Sujani to read the Bible to them, and they’re experiencing joy like never before.
Sujani’s witness has not only led her own household to Christ; three other families in the neighborhood—who all used to laugh at her for sharing the Gospel—have received Christ as their Savior, too!
Sujani shares, “I’m very happy that I could reach my entire family and my neighbors. The verse, ‘Let the little children come to me’ touched my life and I embraced Jesus, and He brought healing and peace to my family. This is the greatest praise I can give to my Lord Jesus.”
Join us in praying that God will keep using Sujani for His Kingdom, and that Sujani’s entire village will receive Christ as their Savior!